Is El Salvador Safe to Visit in 2024? A Comprehensive Safety Guide for Travelers

By Eddie Galdamez  | Updated on June 1, 2024
Is El Salvador Safe to visitSafety in El Salvador

Absolutely, El Salvador is safe to visit in 2024! While the country grappled with high crime rates before 2020, there has been a tremendous decline in violence, reaching its lowest levels in over four decades. Today, El Salvador stands out as one of the safest countries in Latin America

Crime data has shown that violent crimes in El Salvador, such as homicides, were reduced by 56.5% from 2021 to 2022 and 69% from 2022 to 2023. Today, El Salvador has one of the lowest homicide rates in Latin America.

Considering the reduction in crime and the historical data on tourism safety, El Salvador is not dangerous for tourists to visit in 2024. Furthermore, most major tourist areas are in safer locations with adequate security.

Is El Salvador safe to visit for tourists
Surfers at El Tunco beach. Photo by Edwin Nuñes

SEE ALSO: El Salvador Tourism: A Journey Through Pristine Beaches, Colorful Towns, and Enchanting Parks

Crime in El Salvador today

Over the years, crime and violence have affected the number of people visiting El Salvador; this is a sad and upsetting fact about the country. However, going into 2024, security in El Salvador has improved to its best levels in over 40 years.

El Salvador has witnessed a remarkable decrease in homicides, achieving record-low levels, establishing the country as one of the safest in Latin America. Furthermore, the nation has seen numerous days with no recorded homicides, highlighting a positive trend in overall safety.

El Salvador is under a State of Exception that restricts some constitutional guarantees. However, this security measure has not affected tourism to El Salvador; in fact, it seems that it has helped as the country’s security has improved.

Crime statistics, the scary part

Before 2020, El Salvador had one of the highest homicide rates in the world. In 2015, El Salvador became known as the murder capital of the world.

In 2015, El Salvador had an average of 18.2 daily murders for a rate of 103 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. By the end of 2023, the murder rate dropped to 0.42 per day or 2.4 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. Based on Homicides and days without homicides, 2023 is the safest year in Salvadoran history.

El Salvador Homicide Rate
Year Total Homicides Daily Homicide Rate Homicides per 100,000 Inhabitants
*Jan 1 to Sep 30
95 0.35 2.0
2023 154 0.42 2.4
2022 496 1.36 7.8
2021 1147 3.14 18.1
2020 1341 3.67 21.2
2019 2398 6.57 35.8
2018 3346 9.17 50.4
2017 3962 10.85 60.2
2016 5280 14.47 81.0
2015 6656 18.24 103.0
2014 3921 10.74 61.3
2013 2513 6.88 40.6
2012 2594 7.11 42.1
2011 4371 11.98 71.2
2010 3987 10.92 65.2

It’s upsetting that many people and publication list El Salvador as a dangerous country using stats from before 2019. However, considering what the country’s stats wore in 2015, I understand why that happens.

SEE ALSO: El Salvador’s Homicide Rate

El Salvador Homicide Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants

It is understandable why crime statistics discourage some people from traveling to El Salvador. Nevertheless, El Salvador has made safety strides and is not as dangerous as it used to be.

In 2022, El Salvador’s homicide rate was lower than that of Costa Rica. Moreover, the 2023 homicide statistics for El Salvador significantly outperform Costa Rica, recognized as the standard in safety in Central America.

Homicides per Month Under President Bukele
Month 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 288 120 111 82 11 9
February 207 122 108 76 14 6
March 238 68 112 165 12 10
April 326 147 105 23 10 13
May 286 66 117 16 17 14
June 231 72 88 26 10 5
July 155 116 91 17 8 12
August 130 126 58 19 16 18
September 148 131 61 19 11 8
October 123 158 81 19 19
November 136 100 120 20 9
December 130 115 95 14 17
Total 2398 1341 1147 496 154 93

SEE ALSO: Days Without Homicides in El Salvador

Days Without Homicides in El Salvador
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 0 0 2 3 22 24
February 0 1 0 1 21 24
March 0 4 0 3 20 22
April 0 3 0 15 24 19
May 0 6 3 17 18 21
June 0 4 1 14 21 25
July 1 2 5 19 23 22
August 0 2 7 18 20 18
September 2 2 5 18 20 23
October 2 0 3 19 15
November 0 2 2 18 23
December 1 0 3 21 19
Total 6 26 31 166 246 197
** Red is President Salvador Sanchez Ceren Administration FMLN. --- Sources: Salvadoran National Police. PNC

El Salvador is not as dangerous anymore

Safety has improved in El Salvador. Now, in all honesty, this improvement has helped mainly the locals. El Salvador has always been considered safe for tourists.

Here is an example of safety improvements using San Salvador, the nation’s capital. This city, since 2010, was generally in the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world; as a matter of fact, it was a regular in the top 10. The country’s capital reached 3rd place in 2015.

But, by 2020, San Salvador was no longer one of the most dangerous cities in the world; it left the top 50 list. In fact, the capital city is not even the most dangerous place in El Salvador.

San Salvador Cathedral
San Salvador Cathedral. Photo by Edwin Ernesto

So, Is El Salvador dangerous for tourists?

Considering the recent reduction in crime and the country’s historical data on tourism safety, I can attest that El Salvador is not dangerous for tourists to visit in 2024.

However, keep in mind that countries in Central America and the world have areas tourists need to be careful when visiting; it’s not just El Salvador. Even the United States has many cities classified as dangerous, with recommendations that tourists use caution when traveling there.

The point that I am trying to make and emphasize is that there might be some areas of El Salvador that tourists should avoid.

Follow safety recommendations, stick to safe areas, and use common sense; I am sure you will enjoy your trip to El Salvador and will keep coming back!

Travel advisories for El Salvador

Looking at travel advisories is a reliable way to assess how safe a country is. However, governments will always look at the country as a whole and not at specific areas.

The US and UK travel advisory websites are the most popular and have reliable travel information. They are the ones who tend to have the most detailed information about safety in specific countries, in this case, El Salvador.

United States Travel Advisory to El Salvador

The current travel advisory to El Salvador from the US Department of State is level 3, “Reconsider travel to El Salvador due to crime.” To view today’s current advisory, visit the US government travel advisory page.

Though there has been a significant reduction in gang-related activity, violent crime remains a concern throughout significant portions of the country. Crime rates vary among departamentos (states) and municipios (municipalities), and areas witnessing higher crime rates are often located in close proximity to lower crime areas or must be crossed in moving between lower risk areas. US Department of State.

United Kingdom Travel Advisory to El Salvador

The UK is another trustworthy travel advisory source. As of today, they write the following about travel to El Salvador. To view today’s current advisory from the United Kingdom, visit the UK government advisory page.

Most visits to El Salvador are trouble-free. El Salvador has until recently had one of the highest crime rates in Latin America. Despite recent progress made in security, the risks of both petty and violent crime remain. A State of Exception (Emergency) introduced in March 2022 in response to a sharp (and short lived) rise in the number of murders remains in place. UK Government.

Misconceptions about safety in El Salvador

Due to its historical past regarding violence, numerous misconceptions persist about El Salvador, some of which are no longer accurate today. As a Salvadoran, I understand the reasons behind the prevalent misconceptions regarding travel to El Salvador and safety concerns for visitors.

Having witnessed significant violence since the 1980s, El Salvador gained a reputation as a violent nation. Nevertheless, numerous misconceptions about the country persist today that are just wrong; here are some of them!

Crime and violence are everywhere

The following is on a popular travel website about El Salvador. [In El Salvador] “There have been grenade attacks on buses, restaurants, and businesses, which have killed dozens of people, including children. Foreigners have also been killed in these kinds of attacks. Buses are often sprayed with bullets, due to gangs demanding protection money from bus companies.”

Are they lying? No, they are not! All those things have happened in El Salvador, but not in over twelve years. However, the article makes it seem like these things happen now and everywhere.

Yes, there have been violent crimes in El Salvador in the last few years; however, they don’t happen all the time and everywhere. Furthermore, most acts of violence and crime occurred in non-tourist areas. Tourists will never have a reason to be in those areas.

Gang shootouts are a common occurrence

“Gang-related murders and shootouts are a common occurrence in various parts of El Salvador.” It is just not true; it is another damaging misconception about El Salvador.

Gang-related murders do happen, but not as often as many people and some travel sites tend to inform. Additionally, shootouts are not common occurrences in El Salvador.

I have been living full-time in El Salvador since 2014 and have traveled all over the country. I can assure you that Gang-related shootouts are not common occurrences.

Only the tourist spots are safe for foreigners

That is a false statement; foreigners visit small towns and other parts of the country that have nothing to do with tourism.

Don’t get me wrong, El Salvador is not Japan or Switzerland, where you can pick up and go to any part of the country. Non-tourist areas are safe but use common sense when deciding where to go.

El Salvador was a country that exceeded my expectations and broke all the misconceptions I had, especially on the safety front.” Mar, solo female traveler.

Santa Tecla
City of Santa Tecla El Salvador.

10 Safety Tips to Follow

Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind when traveling or planning to visit El Salvador. Some of them might seem simplistic and obvious; however, in El Salvador, they should be taken more seriously.

1. Do your research, plan ahead

Before venturing into the country, find out everything you can about the specific areas you want to visit. Ask and answer the following questions before traveling to El Salvador. Is the area safe? How am I going to get there? What should I do there?

Knowing the answers to those questions will ensure your safety even more. Undeniably, doing research and planning is the way to go.

Even though the country is small, every area offers different things for different people. For instance, backpacker safety needs are distinct from regular travelers.

2. Talk to people who have traveled to El Salvador

Talking to people who have visited El Salvador is a good option. Many individuals or families that have ventured into El Salvador are happy to share their experiences. These previous travelers are one of the best sources of information about what to expect when visiting El Salvador.

By all means, pay attention to travel warnings and advisories from your governments. But remember, you will always get a better picture of El Salvador from people who have been there.

3. Stay at safe places

One of the most crucial research tasks travelers thinking about going to El Salvador needs to do is deciding where to stay.

Before deciding on a particular area or hotel, look at their reviews. Find out what the previous guest have commented about the hotel and the location. These reviews will give you a better idea of where to stay and if extra safety precautions are needed.

4. Don’t go where you are not supposed to go

A sure way to put yourself or your family in an unsafe situation is to venture into areas classified as dangerous. They do exist, and not only in this nation. Avoid drug, gang, and red districts areas; unless that is what you are looking for.

Also, remember, If a local tells you, “Don’t go there, it’s not safe!” Take that advice. Locals know the area and are protective of travelers. They don’t want you to put yourself or your family in an unsafe situation.

5. Be more careful at night

Nightlife in El Salvador is just like nightlife in any other country; there are bars, dance clubs, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. The safety recommendations needed when visiting these establishments will depend heavily on what you want to do at night.

For instance, if you have a nice quiet dinner in a family atmosphere zone, your safety concerns will be minimal. However, if you want to venture out at night to drink or to a club, you must be more careful.

Remember, nightlife in El Salvador is similar to nightlife in any other country; you get the good with the bad.

6. Be more careful when taking public transportation

If you need or want to take public transportation, be more careful. Public transportation is good as it’s cheap and convenient. However, public transport can also be unsafe for the following reasons.

If you take the wrong bus route, you can end up in a bad area and put yourself in an unsafe situation. Also, the bus could be on a path often targeted by criminals.

To ensure safety, before taking the bus, find out if the bus is on a safe route and if it goes directly to your destination. The best way to get this information is from the hotel or hostel where you are staying. If they say yes, it’s safe, go for it; if they say that you shouldn’t take that bus route, follow their advice.

7. Take guided tours

Taking guided tours is the best option if you want to venture into different parts of the country. These guided tours are for the day or even a few days; they will pick you up from your hotel, take you to your destination and drop you off right back at your hotel.

There are quite a few options available for group tours or private tours. Also, these Salvadoran tour companies will set up a trip exclusive to you and include the things you want to do or visit.

8. Keep local emergency numbers handy

El Salvador has its 911 emergency system; However, it is best to keep the phone numbers for the local police branch and emergency numbers near you.

In case of an emergency, you will get faster attention if you call the local branch of the police, red cross, or Comandos de Salvamento.

Remember, this is a developing country, so the emergency services are not up to the standards of developed countries.

9. Avoid displaying the numbers 13 and 18

Most of the violence in El Salvador is due to two main gangs fighting each other for control of the drug trade and the territory. They are the Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio 18. These two gangs are associated with the numbers 13 and 18, respectively.

For precautionary reasons, visitors should not wear anything with the numbers 13 and 18 anywhere in hats, shirts, t-shirts, backpacks, etc. Also, tattoos that resemble the numbers thirteen and eighteen should be covered. It is an extra safety precaution.

10. Don’t be Flashy With Your Valuables or Wear Expensive Jewelry

If you are staying in the upscale areas of San Salvador or Santa Tecla, then you might flash your jewelry or valuables as much as you want to. In this area, wearing or flashing expensive things is normal.

On the other hand, if you are in underdeveloped areas of the country, use common sense, and avoid flashing expensive things.

I am not saying that you will get robbed by flashing them in these areas, but why get extra attention to you? Use common sense; it is that simple. It is a common-sense safety tip.

San Salvador
the city of San Salvador.

Is El Salvador safe to visit for tourists?

Even with all the issues, visiting El Salvador is safe, but remember to practice common sense, make wise decisions, and follow safety recommendations.

Also, keep in mind that Salvadorans are friendly. Locals will go out of their way to help foreigners and make them feel welcome and safe. Therefore, if you need assistance and can communicate in Spanish, get help from locals.