Salvadorans within the country can vote in the 2024 elections at the designated polling place in the municipality they reside. Salvadorans living abroad can vote remotely via the Internet from January 6 to February 4 and at selected locations, in person, such as consulates and embassies on February 4.
To cast a vote in the Salvadoran elections within the country, voters must meet the basic requirements, such as being a Salvadoran over 18 years old and having a Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI), whether expired or unexpired.
Those Salvadorans living abroad have to meet the age and citizenship requirements and have an expired or unexpired Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI). Nevertheless, those living abroad have the option of casting a vote with their Salvadoran passport.
How can Salvadorans living abroad vote in elections?
Salvadorans living abroad can vote in the 2024 elections with an expired or unexpired passport or Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI). They can choose between remote voting from January 6 to February 4 or in-person voting on February 4.
Remote Voting.
Remote voting is allowed for Salvadorans with an expired or unexpired Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI); however, the address on the DUI must be from outside El Salvador.
Those residing outside El Salvador who have an expired or unexpired Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI) with a Salvadoran address or want to vote with a passport can only vote in person.
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In Person voting
In-person voting is available to all Salvadorans residing abroad and for those Salvadorans who live in El Salvador, but happen to be outside the country during election day, February 4. You can see the voting centers worldwide by clicking here.
Voting for Salvadorans living in El Salvador
Nothing much has changed for Salvadorans living in the country; the only difference from previous elections is that Salvadorans within the country can vote with an expired DUI.
Salvadorans must go in person to the assigned voting location in the municipality shown in their respective DUI. Click here to see the designed voting locations.
Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI)
The Unique Identity Document (DUI) is the identification document used in El Salvador for natural persons and to identify citizens who are eligible to vote. This is the most essential item needed to cast a vote in public elections.
To vote, Salvadorans must show their Unique Identity Document (DUI) card in good condition at the assigned voting places. The DUI must match the records held by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador (Tribunal Supremo Electoral de El Salvador
Individuals who change any detail on their DUI after the deadline established by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) will not be allowed to vote in the 2024 elections; their new DUI details will not match those of the TSE records.

Salvadoran Unique Identity Document (DUI)
Voting with Salvadoran Passport.
In the upcoming 2024 elections, Salvadorans living abroad can vote with an expired or unexpired passport. However, this process necessitates in-person voting at a specified location in their country of residence.
Salvadorans living in the country will not have the option of voting with their passport; their only option to vote is with a Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI).
Voting with an expired Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI)
Voting with an expired or unexpired Salvadoran Identification Card (DUI) is allowed for voting within the country and abroad; however, it must be in-person voting.