Whale-Watching Season Begins at Los Cobanos Beach in El Salvador

By Eddie Galdamez  |  December 20, 2023

The Salvadoran Ministry of the Environment (MARN) reported that the whale-watching season has begun in the Los Cobanos Protected Natural Area. MARN made the announcement on their X social media account on December 19.

Whale watching at Los Cobanos beach in El Salvador is a captivating marine adventure usually available from November to March. The pristine waters of Playa Los Cobanos allow visitors to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of migrating whales.

Whale watching season in the Los Cobanos Complex Ramsar Site and Protected Natural Area! With the authorization of 43 local guides, we ensure sustainable and responsible marine tourism. Salvadoran Ministry of the Environment.

According to MARN authorities, 43 local guides are authorized to give the tours. Before departing, Captains and guides will provide details about the area, weather, and viewing route.

MARN authorities noted that there is a limit of two boats at a time, and they will have a 30-minute window for observation. Furthermore, authorities request that visitors show respect for the whales and refrain from asking the crew to follow them.

Never interfere with the animals’ path, especially between mothers and calves. Respect the minimum distance of 100 meters, increasing to 200 meters in the presence of young whales. Salvadoran Ministry of the Environment.

Los Cobanos Beach is part of a small fishing community in the Department of Sonsonate. The beach is in a protected area of about 264 square kilometers, which includes the beach, the mangroves, and the coral reef. This beach is perfect for whale watching and scuba diving.

The distinctive appearance of Los Cobanos beach is attributed to its golden-colored sand, thought to be formed as waves break the shells from the coral reef. This unique feature adds to the beach’s charm.

In 2023, El Salvador witnessed a surge in improved tourism, drawing visitors with its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant cities. Improvements to cultural and tourist spots position the country as an emerging and enticing travel destination.