Life in El Salvador

Air quality in El Salvador

Air quality in El Salvador. How bad is it? What can we do?

The air quality in El Salvador is poor, this is due to several factors related to contamination and pollution. Older vehicles in circulation, agricultural burning practices, lack of emissions regulation, and solid waste disposal, are some of the main factors affecting pollution that lead to poor air quality. The issue … Read more

Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero

Forty years on, a locked-down El Salvador remembers the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero online

Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdamez was born on August 15, 1917, in Ciudad Barrios, a municipality in the department of San Miguel, in the Republic of El Salvador. He was a Catholic priest, the fourth metropolitan archbishop of San Salvador (1977-1980), and famous for defending human rights. Saint Oscar Arnulfo … Read more

Jesuit Massacre El Salvador

Opinion: The 1989 Jesuit Massacre El Salvador. Can those Involved Finally Face Justice?

The legal process seeking justice for the 1989 Jesuit Massacre in El Salvador has finally arrived. But, can justice finally be served and the whole truth be known remains to be seen. On February 25th, 2022, the Salvadoran Attorney General’s Office presented formal accusations against former president Alfredo Cristiani, ex-politician … Read more

Yamil Bukele

Yamil Bukele El Salvador, looking to improve sports in El Salvador

Yamil Bukele is the President of INDES, the National Institute of Sports of El Salvador. Bukele is also the Vice President of FIBA Americas and President of the Central American and Caribbean Basketball Confederation, CONCENCABA. Yamil Bukele was appointed to this position by his brother President Nayib Bukele. Some have … Read more

Chivo Pets Hospital

Chivo Pets Hospital in El Salvador. Low-Cost Animal Care

Chivo Pets hospital in El Salvador is the first public veterinary hospital in the country; it opened its doors in February 2022. The construction of the hospital was paid for with a $4 million Bitcoin fund. Chivo Pets is part of actions taken by the Nayib Bukele administration to promote … Read more