How‌ ‌to‌ ‌Write‌ ‌a‌ ‌Leadership‌ ‌Essay‌ ‌With‌ ‌ Particular‌ ‌Emphasis‌ ‌on‌ ‌Outstanding‌ ‌People‌ ‌of‌ ‌ Salvador‌

Leadership is one of the most important personal traits that help undergraduates achieve great academic results. Also, it helps people to run businesses, get well-paying jobs, and lead teams they manage to succeed. Therefore, leadership is widely chosen as a topic for essays by students. It needs them to research and create detailed papers using particular examples. If you need to compose an essay with particular emphasis on the outstanding people of El Salvador, you have to select the personalities you will mention in your essay. However, this academic task is not as simple as it seems at first sight. If you don’t know how to compose a paper of outstanding quality, you’re at the right place. Down below, you find a detailed guide to follow.


Indeed, the first step you need to do is to open the Internet and gather as much data about the outstanding people of Salvador as possible. If you’re short on time, create a list of three famous personalities whose leadership you will compare. If you want to compose an outstanding paper, it’s recommended to select more interesting people. Then, feel free to surf the Internet to learn more about their personality traits and how their leadership helped them achieve particular results. You may have difficulty finding the required information by exploring educational materials. To learn as much as possible, don’t be shy about reading the interviews of selected people. They may be a great source of data for your research.

Create Topic and Outline Your Paper

In case the title of your essay is already provided by a tutor, you can go to a thesis statement creation. However, if you need to create a topic by yourself, you have to make it catchy. Feel free to explore the topic examples shared by other students online and adapt them according to your needs. If you can hardly come up with interesting ideas, don’t hesitate about gathering your friends to brainstorm. It is a good practice that can help you generate many interesting ideas.

After coming up with a title that will draw readers’ attention, you need to outline your essay. It should consist of three major parts. The introduction is the first one. The essay body is the central part of an essay, and the conclusion is the final chapter. It’s recommended to make notes to avoid missing any important ideas you need to cover in your paper. Note, the outline isn’t a solid structure you need to follow. You can update it if it helps you improve your academic paper. The best leadership essay examples shared by other students online can help you discover how a paper should look.

Write Leadership Essay

Having an outline created, you need to start composing your paper. Let your thoughts flow. The first draft needs to be edited to create a paper of impeccable quality. Also, it’s recommended to use an editor that saves your progress to avoid wasting all your efforts because of an unexpected electricity outage. For instance, you can use Google Docs. It’s a web-based text editor that saves every word written simultaneously. If you use the Microsoft Word editor, don’t forget to set automatic savings to keep your work safe.


It is the first chapter where you need to hook readers first. You must write a sentence that will draw readers’ attention and force them to explore your essay. For example, writing a leadership paper emphasizing the outstanding people of El Salvador, you can share an interesting fact or a quote. Further, you ought to provide a thesis statement. Usually, it implies several sentences that deliver the primary argument of academic work. It has to be an idea that you will support in your essay. Therefore, it should be 100% clear and concise. Try to avoid vagueness when creating a thesis statement.

Essay Body

On average, the main part of the essay body implies from three to five paragraphs. If you’re not limited by the word count and have a lot of outstanding persons of Salvador to tell about, do not miss any detail. Ideally, you need to dedicate each paragraph for every person in your essay. However, they all have to be connected by the main idea you deliver. Writing the essay body, you must include evidence from credible sources that support your argument. Also, feel free to add examples to portray the behavior of people who have leadership skills and those who don’t.


The last chapter needs you to provide an overview of your argument and share your final thoughts regarding your research. In a nutshell, the conclusion should help readers erase any possible misunderstandings that readers may have. It has to make everything clear in a concise manner. After finishing the last draft, you need to read it thoroughly and update any content that needs improvements. If you want to get a top grade for your essay, it should imply zero errors and pieces of matched content.